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Excellence In Individualized Learning Programs



Play Workshops 

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Location: Westchester Community Center, 2414 Westchester Ave, Oella, MD.



Click the calendar to the left for a pdf print out of our upcoming session dates. Join our mailing list to be alerted to hear about upcoming sessions

Upcoming Sessions

March through May 2018, Mondays and Tuesdays at 4:30pm. Age groups 5-7 years.


All Play Workshop packages includes assessment sessions, parent introductory workshop,
and an exit report.

This package includes 8 Play Workshop sessions of 1 hour and 45 minutes direct contact time. The cost will depend upon your insurance coverage and the level of support needed by your child.

Priming Sessions

Priming sessions are offered as an add-on service and are highly recommended to enhance your child's play workshop experience. Pricing for priming sessions is determined on a case by case basis depending on the level of support needed and the number of sessions scheduled. We recommend one priming session ahead of each play workshop session.

If during assessment sessions we determine that your child will need 1:1 support in order to be successful we will discuss individualized pricing with you.

TRICARE clients: If you have TRICARE insurance we will be providing 1:1 support to your child and we will bill TRICARE per hour at the regular rate.

Other health insurance: If your child has ABA benefits on your health insurance plan we may be able to bill your plan. We will need to verify your benefits several weeks before the start of the Play Workshop session to determine what is covered. If we are not able to verify benefits and coverage before the sessions begin you will be billed the full rate and we will supply you with invoice to submit to your insurance plan for reimbursement.

Peer buddies and siblings: There is no charge for peers or siblings (though voluntary contributions to help us with our running costs are greatly appreciated).

Number of participants

We plan on up to 4 target children and up to 8 neuro‐typical peer buddies per session.


For every 4 target children there will be at least two paid instructors and a BCBA supervisor. In addition, we aim for 2 volunteer or practicum students for every 4 target children so that everyone can receive 1:1 adult support as needed. 

Peer Buddy Volunteers

We are recruiting peer volunteers as well as clients with social skills challenges so if you have other children interested in participating or
 know of others who may be interested please pass on the information! Click here for more info!